Sunday, January 10, 2016

Today there was a moment as I drove around town with my boys that was perfect.  They weren't fighting or talking back.  They weren't disobeying or being rude.  We all were laughing at something silly the youngest one said while waiting for food in the drive-thru of Burger King.  I might have missed it because it was a small, otherwise inconsequential moment, except that I am on the lookout for joy now.  And it was a truly joyful moment.  I got a glimpse of what it will be like as they get older and the bickering slows down little by little.  My sweet boys...not hellions but charming, delightfully funny, kind-hearted men...some day.  I'm not rushing that future day when they're all grown up and they strike off on their own.  Oh, no!  That day will come all too soon as I am reminded daily - they are growing up so fast!  (Sorry for such a cliche statement).  But in that brief glimpse, life was just as it should be and I hope I will never forget it!  And I'm sure this will make absolutely no sense to future me, but, "Hello?  My brother doesn't know what 2+2="  :)

Friday, January 8, 2016

First things first, I was blissfully happy this morning when I was ready to go to work and I didn't have to grope around in the dark looking in my husband's pants pockets that he was wearing to find the ONE key to the car that we have.  Why? you may ask.  Because yesterday I finally had a copy made!  It only took a year and a couple months...  Anyway, taking the time to get a copy made has made me very happy.

Also, mom was one of the honorary coaches at the Coaches vs Cancer basketball game today.  It was awesome!  And so moving ... and of course I cried!  But it really did make me joyful to see my mom honored and loved and to hear the stories of the survivors!  I am so thankful she was able to participate!

And also I saw Mr. Roys at the game and that always puts a smile on my face! :)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

I'm so thankful that we now have a second key for our car.  It's very nice having a back up!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

I had a wonderful lunch today with one of my best friends and her daughter.  Was able to spend more quality time with mom.  Am so thankful for a mom who can help me formulate answers to interview questions and type up resumes.  I am deliriously happy that I finished my letter of interest on time and that it's a pretty good letter. :)  Having a warm house to relax in at the end of a hectic day.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

An unexpected dinner and evening spent with my mom tonight.  Everyday with her is a gift.  Having friends that are there for you whenever you need them.  Friends that will drop everything to write you a letter of recommendation because the application deadline is the day after tomorrow.  A simple text from my Aunt saying that she wished she had a job opening because she would hire me.  Letting myself indulge in the dream of a new job closer to home that will allow me more time with my family.  Giving my anxiety to God and trusting that if this is the right job for me, I will be hired and if it's not I won't.  And being content with that.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Watching the Gilmore Girls pilot and being flooded with memories of sneaking off campus to watch it during Bible School.  Finding out I can watch Netflix on my laptop from the comfort of my bed.  The complete silence accompanying three kids asleep at the same time in their own beds.  A shot (or two) of Gold Schlager and the adorable dimple in the face of the man sitting next to me who just said he'd stay up to watch the next episode of Gilmore Girls with me. How I love him!  Okay Rory, time for the first day at Chilton! :)

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Today's joy was the wonder and magic of falling snow.

We live in an area of the world where we often don't get snow in the winter.  We sing and dream of a White Christmas each year but don't get our hopes up.  But today, in the middle of chores and tasks that we've put off for far too long, it started to snow.  There was no other option but to stop everything, bundle up the kids and send them out into the flurry because as I told them, we don't know how long it will last.  And sadly, it didn't last long, didn't amount to anything.  There were no snow ball fights, no snowmen, no sled rides...but for that 20 minutes or so, there was magic...peace...and absolute joy!